
The Mindless Mass

“Power to the people”, you say. “I alone am!”, says I.

Put one intelligent man in a room, he will do the work of one intelligent man. Put one more man and they might do the work of two men. (Or better still, put a woman in with him and more work will happen.) Try to extend that logic and the screw-up begins. Put three men in a room and they will end up doing less work than three men can. (Or worse still are two women and a man or two men and a woman.)

Why do I say that? Because a crowd, at its best, is stupid. The mass is always mindless. It is the genius of the design of the immaculate creator (if there is one). It is just the nature of the world. It just has to work that way. But if you try to squeeze out reasoning for it from me, you will get what appears to be a highly biased reason. But I’ll prove it to you before you finish reading this post. A crowd is stupid because it is meant to be. The individual is intelligent because he (or she) is meant to be. Because there is only one God (if there is any at all, that is). Because the individual is more than a mob. Because the whole universe is shaped by the dynamics amongst the individuals. Because the wishes, dreams and nightmares that you and me explode with make the black and white of the universe. And that is why the crowd has to be a spineless, plastic and imbecile creature. Alright, it was harsh to call the crowd imbecile. It is a puppet with a vacuous cranium. That is the most polite I can be. And as sad as it sounds, it is the one thing that keeps my conviction that free-will is superior to destiny, that I am more than Him (or at least the idea called Him).

If, at this point in this discourse, any one of you has any doubts about my logic or is not sure about what to think about the deluded author of this post, which is to say those who don’t have the minimum faith to follow the twine that a Theseus left in this labyrinth just for the heck of the story, then the only advice I can give to such sub-humans is please stop reading and get out of your house, walk around, open your eyes and take a look at the world around you. See the drunken dance of the individual ego that no one can stop. See the stoned stupidity of the crowd, quick to anger and to angst and inexorably slow to progress. And you will know that I speak the truth.

Any progress, any good feeling moves very slowly, inch-by-inch through a crowd and is lessened by every individual. And by the time the giant leap of a genius is disseminated through a crowd, it is reduced to a small step for mankind. And throw a cinder of anger into a crowd and it inflames like frikkin gasoline. Incite a score of people and by the end of the day you will find a whole city roaring and tearing at itself or at some imaginary enemy or most commonly the ‘system’. Normal well thinking men and women turn into fiends and unsocial animals when they walk into a crowded place like a public bus. And that is because of two reasons. The first is the safe anonymity of a crowd. The second is just personal justice – that is what they get from the crowd and that is what they shall give back. The next time you get on a local train or on a crowded bus or in the queue for a first day first show, be scrupulously aware of yourself and the people you may know in the crowd. And you will notice that everyone, including you, is at least twice as well behaved when alone than when in a crowd. Are you few faithful ones still with me till here?

Now, finally, we come to the basic premise of this post. Having established that the mass is mindless, it is most easy to pronounce this – democracy is for suckers! The slave system openly turned humans into slogging animals, the feudal gave them security and food in return but still made them work like animals and so on and so forth. Every step forward in the system of administration of the masses is not a step forward in justice and fairness. Justice and fairness are dreams that a mass can never achieve because one can’t talk about fairness and the crowd in one breath. The breath that you are inhaling at this very moment could have been someone else’s. But it is yours because you took it, because you were unfair to another living organism. Every step forward in the systems of administration is not even a move towards communism because that is another unachievable utopia. Every step forward (apparently forward mind you) is a step forward in indoctrination, a step forward in mind control.

Is something coming in through the fog? Sure the power of selection and of empowerment is in your hands. Sure the power of giving and taking power in your hands. Sure the positions of all those you put up there are in your hands. But do you know what is in their hands? Your brains and hearts. Your very souls. To control and trade as they will. And there is nothing you can do about it. That is how we sons and daughters of the great and lucky Adam and Eve are made. Now if you tell me that this outlandish theory does not apply to an inspired population, a people fighting for a cause, I would like to ask you where they got the idea from. Sure they were equally dissatisfied with the old idea but inspiration was cast in their midst by one leader and their souls just resonated.

Our rulers and their rule has, no doubt, changed but I doubt very much if it has progressed. It has to change because the mind that has to be controlled is also evolving at an ever faster pace. It is because the system is trying to keep up with the individual. It is the same monster of a million faces appearing and disappearing with a new face ever so often. And that will be so forever, for they is us and us them. That monster is none but me and you.

And that is the truth that we, as a race, have to learn to live with. And none can change that. So…let it be.

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